Sourajit Saha

PhD Student at University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Email: Location: ITE 368, UMBC, Baltimore, MD 21250

Computer Vision | Machine Learning | Robust Visual Perception

Scene Understanding | Data Augmentation | Domain Generalization



I am currently pursuing PhD in Computer Science at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). I am advised by Prof. Tejas Gokhale and I work on improving reliability and robustness in computer vision systems at the UMBC Cognitive Vision Group .

My current research focuses on two aspects of robustnes and reasoning in visual perception. I spend my time evaluating and improving computer vision systems to adapt to new domains, i.e. visual recognition module on Tesla developed and tested in sunny California should perform equally under change of domain, i.e. snowy Colorado. I investigate on leveraging LLMs and interpolation of images and latents in spectral domain to study domain generalization, domain adaptation, OOD detection, open-set recognition and, AI explainability.

Prior to joining UMBC, I was a Research Assistant at Center for Cognitive Skill Enhancement (CCSE) at Independent University Bangladesh (IUB). I have received a Masters of Science in Computer Science from UMBC in 2023 and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from BRAC University in 2017. In my free time I love composing EDMs, cooking and driving. If not computer science, I would have pursued stand up comedy!

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Most recent publications on Google Scholar.

Improving Shift Invariance in Convolutional Neural Networks with Translation Invariant Polyphase Sampling. Sourajit Saha, Tejas Gokhale

OOD-CV @ ICCV 2023 To appear soon

RFC-Net: Learning High Resolution Global Features for Medical Image Segmentation on a Computational Budget (Student Abstract). Sourajit Saha, Shaswati Saha, Md Osman Gani, Tim Oates, David Chapman

AAAI 2023 paper code

Mitigating Domain Shift in AI-Based TB Screening With Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. Nishanjan Ravin, Sourajit Saha, Alan Schweitzer, Ameena Elahi, Farouk Dako, Daniel Mollura, David Chapman

IEEE Access paper code

Pairwise Meta Learning Pipeline: Classifying COVID-19 abnormalities on chest radio-graphs. Sourajit Saha, Yaacov Yesha, Yelena Yesha, Aryya Gangopadhyay, David Chapman, Michael Morris, Babak Saboury, Phuong Nguyen

SPIE Medical Imaging Conference 2022 Paper

A comprehensive set of novel residual blocks for deep learning architectures for diagnosis of retinal diseases from optical coherence tomography images. Sharif Amit Kamran, Sourajit Saha, Ali Shihab Sabbir, Alireza Tavakkoli

Springer Book Series, 2020 paper code

Optic-Net: A Novel Convolutional Neural Network for Diagnosis of Retinal Diseases from Optical Tomography Images. Sharif Amit Kamran, Sourajit Saha, Ali Shihab Sabbir, Alireza Tavakkoli

ICMLA 2019 paper code

A Lightning fast approach to classify Bangla Handwritten Characters and Numerals using newly structured Deep Neural Network. Sourajit Saha, Nisha Saha

Procedia Computer Science, ELSEVIER Paper

Total recall: understanding traffic signs using deep convolutional neural network. Sourajit Saha, Sharif Amit Kamran, Ali Shihab Sabbir

ICCIT 2018 paper code

Academic Service

Website theme inspirations: Aniruddha Saha, Martin Saveski, Aditi Partap.